About / Ambassadors / Dave Durepos

Dave Durepos

Basketball Player

"What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!"

On August 10th 1988, I was involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in a spinal cord injury leaving me a paraplegic at the age of 20. I have been on Team Canada since 1994 and have won two Paralympic Gold medals and one Paralympic Silver. At World Championship events, I have won three Bronze medals and one Gold medal. My hobbies are snowmobiling, ATV's, and driving my motorcycles equipped with a sidecar. I have a daughter named Chelsie who is studying to be an Occupational Therapist. I met my wife Sabrina on the basketball court and she also plays for Team Canada.

Dave Durepos's Passion:

My passion is BASKETBALL.

Dave Durepos's Dream:

My dream is to win the Gold medal at the Paralympics.