Education in Motion / Clinical Corner

Clinical Corner

Celebrating 5 Years of Clinical Corner!

Celebrating 5 Years of Clinical Corner!

Clinical Corner is 5 years old! As I mentioned in Happy Anniversary..., I began writing articles related to the clinical aspects of seating and mobility for our monthly Sunrise Medical Newsletter, SUNMED News, in January 2011. In March 2011, a blog was started as a way to archive the Clinical Corner newsletter articles and to have them accessible to those who do not receive our newsletter.


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More on Wheelchair Transit Safety Standards

More on Wheelchair Transit Safety Standards

The safety of individuals who must remain seated in their wheelchairs during transit remains an important consideration for therapists prescribing wheelchairs. I have previously written articles on RESNA standards, including WC19 Wheelchairs Used as Seats in Motor Vehicles, WC18 Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) for Use in Motor Vehicles, and WC20 Wheelchair Seating Systems for Use in Motor Vehicles. These articles provide information that is helpful in understanding these related standards.


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Weight Shifting and Pressure Management 2.0

Weight Shifting and Pressure Management 2.0

I first wrote about Weight Shifting and Pressure Management in November 2013. Weight shifting and repositioning are important parts of pressure management to prevent pressure ulcer formation for individuals who use wheelchairs. Click here for the November 2013 Clinical Corner article, which contains information on what occurs internally to the tissue surrounding the pelvis during sitting.


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The Steps to Wheelchair Provision

The Steps to Wheelchair Provision

Let's finish the trilogy on assessments by looking at the overall process of wheelchair provision, of which assessment is only one step, by taking a broader look at all the steps that go into providing an appropriate wheelchair for an individual.


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