About / Ambassadors / Geneviève Hallé

Geneviève Hallé

Graphic Designer / Photographer / Paint Artist

"Embracing Life"

From a young age, I have always been into sports; gymnastics, figure diving and snowboarding. In 2001, I broke my back competing in the half pipe at the U.S. Open. Then I went back to Whistler where I was living with my boyfriend and spent 3 more years there before to coming back to Quebec. Since the accident, I did learn to swim, sit-skiing, mountain biking, hand cycling, wakeboarding, surfing then paddle boarding. If I can adapt to something and enjoy it, I'll do it! Besides all these sports, I am a graphic designer, photographer, paint artist and I run my own business since I graduated in 2000.

Geneviève Hallé's Passion:

Playing a bigger role in general, I'm passionate about everything that lets me create or feel adrenaline. On one side, painting is taking more place into my life because it lets me express myself and put in colours and shapes this great energy inside of me which is driving me through everything that life put on my way. On the other side, I've been searching for something that makes me feel more than alive, that lets me overcome myself, like skydiving and learning to fly at Skyventure.

Geneviève Hallé's Dream:

My goal in life is to reach as many people as possible with my paintings. I want to share my passions and inspire others. Try as many sports as I can access and one day build a great training program for paraplegics.

Geneviève Hallé Uses...

QUICKIE Q7® Rigid Wheelchair

Find Out More Q7<sup>®</sup>