Choosing the Right Power Wheelchair for Travel Traveling always calls for some planning. With a power wheelchair, the number of factors to consider increases exponentially. Not only is it a different climate and environment, you could be traveling by car, train, or plane! Power wheelchairs support clients to do the things they want to do. This is just as important when traveling to maximize independence away from home. 2023-09-21 Keep Reading
Power Wheelchair Suspension What comes to mind when you think about a power wheelchair's performance? Speed, electronics, turning radius, battery life, positioning components, and power seat functions may be considered, and all of those functions are great. However, the wheelchair may not perform as intended if the suspension is not considered. But what is suspension? 2023-09-19 Keep Reading
Building Consensus in Wheelchair and Assistive Technology Provision It was encouraging to see an entire session devoted to the skill of consensus building at this year's International Seating Symposium conference in Pittsburgh. Michelle Lange and Filipe Correia identified key barriers to building consensus and proposed ideas to support better collaboration. 2023-08-07 Keep Reading
Mobility Needs of Bariatric People Conditions that limit mobility may co-occur with obesity, or the associated fatigue, pain, or other complications of obesity may directly necessitate the use of a mobility device. 2023-07-25 Keep Reading
Modifying Wheelchair Cushions to Optimize Riders’ Pressure Management Ron is a veteran who sought out additional consultation secondary to concerns with increased redness on his left trochanter. His repositioning schedule and daily activities were discussed during the consultation, and it was evident he was very cognizant of his skin integrity management. 2023-06-12 Keep Reading